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 Gainesville Times Reporter called...

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3 posters

Male Number of posts : 314
Age : 54
Registration date : 2009-02-28

Gainesville Times Reporter called... Empty
PostSubject: Gainesville Times Reporter called...   Gainesville Times Reporter called... EmptyApril 8th 2009, 18:11

Don't know when or if it will run, but I did a very short Neutral interview today via phone with a Times reporter from the "Life" section. Perhaps they are letting her report on other things, because the questions didn't really seem to be ones that you would ask someone if you were going to put the article in the "Life" section of the paper. At any rate, two things came out of it if she uses what I said...

#1 I got to say that we were not backed by any political party, and I got to explain our mission statement. We'll see what gets reported. If I am misquoted, everyone at the rally will have a new phone number to call.

#2. I realized that even I, for all my ranting about losing our rights could not give very good specifics about which rights we have lost. Therefore, I would like the input of LC members about a new idea I've had. It's not really original or that big of an idea, but I think it would help benefit both the people who carry it, and the people that we would receive them. Here's the plan...

New business card sized cards with our info on the front, and on the back - specific, dramatic and known losses of our freedoms.

Then, when someone says " oh yeah, well what freedoms have we lost?" you would never do as I did and be at a loss for some good examples. Maybe you guys wouldn't need them? You tell me. Good idea or should I just make one for myself? Smile LOL

I am going to order more soon anyway, and although it would cost a bit more to have something on the back, I think having a list of how we are less free now than we were 50-100 years ago might be an effective tool to enlighten the masses?

All input is desired, from " great idea" to " you're an idiot".

Thanks guys.

Jeff J.
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Male Number of posts : 73
Registration date : 2009-02-28

Gainesville Times Reporter called... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gainesville Times Reporter called...   Gainesville Times Reporter called... EmptyApril 8th 2009, 23:31

Freedom to speak without government pressure--lost through college campus speech codes, creating an "enemies list" of reporters who question the administration, publicly attacking opposition radio talk show hosts

Freedom to enjoy the fruits of our labor--lost through higher and higher tax burden

Freedom of contract--minimum wage, expansion of anti-discrimination codes to classes of people

Freedom to select business winners and losers through investment policy--lost to bailouts, government regulation

Freedom to drive the car I choose--lost through CAFE standards, cap & trade policy

Freedom to use water I'm willing to pay for--lost to drought standards

Freedom to use my own land as I wish--lost through environmental regulation

Freedom to select drugs for my health care--lost to FDA red tape

Freedom of conscience to refuse to perform abortions and dispense abortion drugs--lost to executive order of Obama

Freedom to carry concealed weapons in National Parks--lost to judicial ruling of a single, liberal judge in a case brought by environmental extremists

Freedom to support political candidates of my choosing--lost to McCain-Feingold regulations

Freedom to pursue life, liberty, and happiness--lost to pandering to America's enemies overseas and weakening our defenses at home

Do you need any more? I can probably go on for hours. The tax code alone is thousands and thousands of pages.
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Male Number of posts : 314
Age : 54
Registration date : 2009-02-28

Gainesville Times Reporter called... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gainesville Times Reporter called...   Gainesville Times Reporter called... EmptyApril 8th 2009, 23:47

Got any short ones?

Gonna be hard to get those on the back of a business card! Smile LOL

Next time a reporter wants an interview, I'm gonna tell them I'll have my spokesperson call them!

seriously. how's $5.

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Number of posts : 31
Registration date : 2009-04-03

Gainesville Times Reporter called... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gainesville Times Reporter called...   Gainesville Times Reporter called... EmptyApril 9th 2009, 19:06

Let's jsut look at the first ten amendments to keep it simple.
McCain Feingold
Assault Weapons Ban
No one has knocked at more door damanding residence
Warrant less Wire taps
Government taking private property and giving to someone else for the "benefit" of the community
Ted Stevens of Alaska. Conviction thrown out due to Atty General failing to allow him to "face his accuser"
No problem. I have not been involved in a civil case lately.
AIG executives having the federal government attack and use them as PiƱatas simply to distract from their errors in the stimulus bill.
The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be considered to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
My Privacy …the forced capture of my health records by the federal government (Electronic Health Records). This issues could also fall under 1st since privacy is addressed there too.
Unfunded Federal Mandates on the states and it’s citizens.
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Male Number of posts : 73
Registration date : 2009-02-28

Gainesville Times Reporter called... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gainesville Times Reporter called...   Gainesville Times Reporter called... EmptyApril 10th 2009, 07:43

So you want the Twitter version of the infringement on our rights?

Two words, then. "Reserved powers" The Federal government has invaded, unconstitutionally, virtually every area of our lives. Between tax policy (targeted tax credits), direct regulation, unfunded mandates, and spending policy, Washington touches almost everything.

Most of us have grown up in an era where the constitutional doctrine of reserved powers has been fully emasculated, like a constitutional version of Barney Frank, so it is hard to know a place to start when you are asked which of our rights have been infringed upon. You almost want to turn the question around on the questioner--can you name me any that haven't?

Here's my challenge--can anybody on the board name any activity that is not regulated by the federal government?
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Number of posts : 31
Registration date : 2009-04-03

Gainesville Times Reporter called... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gainesville Times Reporter called...   Gainesville Times Reporter called... EmptyApril 10th 2009, 11:01

"...emasculated, like a constitutional version of Barney Frank" lol! But, he loves a good slap down match. Ask the young Hawvaad student.

Here's my challenge--can anybody on the board name any activity that is not regulated by the federal government?

Without getting into the micro-levels of personal

Our toilets are even regulated (thank you Al Gore).
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Male Number of posts : 314
Age : 54
Registration date : 2009-02-28

Gainesville Times Reporter called... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gainesville Times Reporter called...   Gainesville Times Reporter called... EmptyApril 10th 2009, 19:18

Ok, you guys are hitting the nail on the head, but it still won't fit on the back of a card. Maybe it can't be done!?

I do like the discussion though....carry on! Smile
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Number of posts : 31
Registration date : 2009-04-03

Gainesville Times Reporter called... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gainesville Times Reporter called...   Gainesville Times Reporter called... EmptyApril 11th 2009, 09:30

How about:

Fighting to remove government control...without firing a single shot.
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Gainesville Times Reporter called... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Gainesville Times Reporter called...   Gainesville Times Reporter called... Empty

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Gainesville Times Reporter called...
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