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 I don't get it.

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10 posters
CaptainBob Supporter Supporter

Male Number of posts : 34
Registration date : 2009-03-03

I don't get it. Empty
PostSubject: I don't get it.   I don't get it. EmptyApril 16th 2009, 19:37

Okay, along the US and Mexico border we have dual problems: guns and drugs. The activities with each, the drugs and the guns, are already illegal, so the way to fix this, at least in the eyes of O-bam-bam is to have more laws. We know this is crazy. We also know it's not about guns, only control. So remain alert folks, as I see something creeping up from behind.
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New Member

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2009-04-02

I don't get it. Empty
PostSubject: Border Control   I don't get it. EmptyApril 16th 2009, 22:08

The reason the border is OPEN is because our government WANTS it that way. For many reasons. The United States could defeat 2 enemies, Germany and Japan, both at the same time and we can't control our borders? Is Washington really looking out for US? Yes, something is in the works, has been for a long time. We're now seeing it coming at us at 90 mph. We need to stop the train...soon. More rallies are needed, larger ones. If our elected officials don't get it, we need to replace em'. Let's start taking names.
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New Member

Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2009-03-31

I don't get it. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I don't get it.   I don't get it. EmptyApril 16th 2009, 22:12

lets remember CNN was covering the mexico trip today for your president...LOL....according to there little factoid 90% of the guns in mexico are from the USA and he is going to do something about this....i'm sorry but don't be suprised if next attempt is to disarm us....hey he can do this through even m ore govt.
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Male Number of posts : 73
Registration date : 2009-02-28

I don't get it. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I don't get it.   I don't get it. EmptyApril 16th 2009, 22:20

That 90% number is a fraud, and it has been exposed. The real number is about 18%; most of the guns the Mexican drug cartels have aren't even available in the US. How many fully automatic weapons are available here?

The ninety percent figure is the number of guns that are able to be identified as US source weapons out of the ones that the Mexican government seizes and asks the US to trace. They only send us about 20% of the guns they seize to be traced, and we can identify 90% of those from serial numbers as being US sourced. Therefore, the true figure is 18% of the guns seized from Mexican drug cartels are US sourced.

But why let a fact get in the way of an opportunity to impose heavy-handed restrictions on gun sales in the US. Just repeat a lie loud enough and often enough, and people will eventually believe it.
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New Member

Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2009-03-31

I don't get it. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I don't get it.   I don't get it. EmptyApril 16th 2009, 22:36

so what exactly is the main drug they are bringing over? meth labs seem to be abundant here state side....marijuana is easily grown here...i thought cocaine went out in the 80' what's the left using these days?
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Male Number of posts : 314
Age : 54
Registration date : 2009-02-28

I don't get it. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I don't get it.   I don't get it. EmptyApril 21st 2009, 22:31

moon30506 wrote:
so what's the left using these days?

Smile I LOL'd. Smile

GOOD QUESTION! Apparently it's cough syrup and sudafed. Rolling Eyes
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Male Number of posts : 148
Age : 71
Registration date : 2009-04-10

I don't get it. Empty
PostSubject: If we truly wanted to secure the borders   I don't get it. EmptyApril 26th 2009, 20:30

It used to be common to hear that the 2nd amendment is outdated since we no longer have or need militias. We maintain a uniformed standing army at all times. Of course, that argument was based on the premis that the 2nd amendment was for militias only and, of course, Heller blew that one out of the water.

But, I cannot think of a better use for a volunteer militia than to act as border guards. If there was a call for arms to guard the boarders, there woudl be thousands that would sign up. The minimum obligation would be for two weeks. Of course, there would need to be backround checks and orderly discipline. Besides securing the borders, it would insure a trained home force whenever we needed it. Having a well trained militia would surely deter a border invasion.

But why would Obama want to keep out future liberal democrats who will become wards of the state? Why would he risk isolating the millions of democrats he is soon to make legal?
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Male Number of posts : 108
Age : 59
Registration date : 2009-04-16

I don't get it. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I don't get it.   I don't get it. EmptyJune 1st 2009, 11:43

OC68 wrote:
The reason the border is OPEN is because our government WANTS it that way. For many reasons. The United States could defeat 2 enemies, Germany and Japan, both at the same time and we can't control our borders? Is Washington really looking out for US? Yes, something is in the works, has been for a long time. We're now seeing it coming at us at 90 mph. We need to stop the train...soon. More rallies are needed, larger ones. If our elected officials don't get it, we need to replace em'. Let's start taking names.

Feds spike Ga. law requiring citizenship checks

at the same time....

Activists to launch immigration reform campaign

make no mistake...the opposition is
keep on truckin' y'all
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Defender of Liberty
Defender of Liberty

Female Number of posts : 66
Age : 79
Registration date : 2009-04-12

I don't get it. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I don't get it.   I don't get it. EmptyJune 1st 2009, 13:47

This is the perfect opportunity for Karen Handel to step up and immediately take this all the way to the Supreme Court (preferably before Sotomayor's confirmation). It would certainly go a long ways towards making her look like a real player in Georgia politics.

Eric Holder has got to be one of the worst AG's in the history of this country. Why, in the name of heaven, there was not more resistance to his appointment, I do not know. After he pardoned Clinton's thug pal, that should have been enough; but the rules are different for BO's crowd than they are for everyone else. Now he's given the Black Panther thugs a pass after they threatened an intimidated voters as well as this boneheaded move. He's just a rubber stamp for Obama as he was for Clinton--absolutely no backbone whatsoever.
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Male Number of posts : 314
Age : 54
Registration date : 2009-02-28

I don't get it. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I don't get it.   I don't get it. EmptyJune 7th 2009, 17:06

Donna, I agree 1000%. Great post!
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New Member

Male Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2009-06-26

I don't get it. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I don't get it.   I don't get it. EmptyJune 26th 2009, 19:59

SpringerRider wrote:
It used to be common to hear that the 2nd amendment is outdated since we no longer have or need militias. We maintain a uniformed standing army at all times. Of course, that argument was based on the premis that the 2nd amendment was for militias only and, of course, Heller blew that one out of the water.

But, I cannot think of a better use for a volunteer militia than to act as border guards. If there was a call for arms to guard the boarders, there woudl be thousands that would sign up. The minimum obligation would be for two weeks. Of course, there would need to be backround checks and orderly discipline. Besides securing the borders, it would insure a trained home force whenever we needed it. Having a well trained militia would surely deter a border invasion.

But why would Obama want to keep out future liberal democrats who will become wards of the state? Why would he risk isolating the millions of democrats he is soon to make legal?

We have this force in place today. The National Guard would fill this role ably. The problem is, we have a weak, anti-military liberal in office who has no experience or knowledge of how to use the resources to protect our country.
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Male Number of posts : 314
Age : 54
Registration date : 2009-02-28

I don't get it. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I don't get it.   I don't get it. EmptyJuly 5th 2009, 21:30

We also have private landowners and the MinuteMen groups who were helping to apprehend illegals as they crossed the border. Sadly, good Americans let the MinuteMen be slandered and picked apart by leftists in the media, and you hardly hear anything about them any more. Perhaps because they are helping to get the job done, and there isn't a story there, I don't know.

I'm going to look into them and see what they are up to. I know I've given them money to build a fence that the government would not build, but I don't know how far that went. Last I heard, there were problems finding landowners who would let them build the fence or something like that.

I'll report back.
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Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2009-06-27

I don't get it. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I don't get it.   I don't get it. EmptyJuly 11th 2009, 00:45


Do you really think the liberals would stand for the formation of a volunteer militia composed of thousands of Americans who, armed or not, represent a real threat to their power? They attacked the Minutemen for the same reason and they were a much smaller group than what you would have. If the federal government wanted our borders closed, they would have closed a long time ago. I saw poll numbers as high as 83% of Americans that wanted the military sent to secure our southern border. Democrat and Republican alike refused to do it. They absolutely thwarted the will of the American people and got away with it. They will never allow a milita of any significant size to form. The implications of a people rising up to do something without their consent or permission and against their will would terrify them. But man would I love to see it...
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Defender of Liberty
Defender of Liberty

Female Number of posts : 66
Age : 79
Registration date : 2009-04-12

I don't get it. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I don't get it.   I don't get it. EmptyJuly 11th 2009, 10:05

Thinking about it in practical terms, they (libs) would have to have the support of the military to stand against their own friends and neighbors. Being married to a retired military man, I can tell you there's NO WAY this would ever happen. The military feels no allegiance to this administration and their cronies. Secondly, I can't see any of them (left-wingers) taking up arms to force the issue. They wouldn't know which end of the gun to load. I guess they could smack us with their sushi...
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Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2009-06-27

I don't get it. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I don't get it.   I don't get it. EmptyJuly 11th 2009, 11:20


A significant majority of the US army is composed of good and wonderful people that are true American heroes. I also met more than a few people I wouldn't trust to feed my dogs. As in everything else, the military is a melting pot of idealogies. Not everyone who joins does so for noble causes. While I agree that most troops would refuse to be used against Americans, some would do so without complaint. Of course, Obama already has an army of his own waiting in the wings. How many Black Panthers would flock to Obama's cause if he called for it? How many ACORN members? Remember, this president called for the formation of an internal military force during his election campaign, though it quickly got downplayed by the media. The question isn't whether or not the military would allow itself to be used against Americans. It's how many would leave the army to stand with those Americans, that could and would make the difference. Also, the first psychological campaign waged in war is the one that is waged against your own troops to convince them that they have an enemy they need to stop. Think I am wrong? How much money has the government already spent trying to paint us as terrorists? The psy-op has already begun.

The comment about the libs and their sushi was funny by the way...Thanks for the laugh. tongue
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Male Number of posts : 314
Age : 54
Registration date : 2009-02-28

I don't get it. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I don't get it.   I don't get it. EmptyJuly 14th 2009, 17:46

Well, the mintuemen are still there, but to looks like they are spinning their wheels. The message boards there are full of people ranting back and forth with other groups about what should be done.

Not that we're setting the world on fire here. Frankly, I'm glad we're still seeing a few posts a day.

In that light, and because of our inability to grow our membership( or get members that are active), I still have plenty of decals that are free for the taking, if you'll just promise to put it up in or on your vehicle so people can see it.

Also, instead of posting another thread, ( since anyone who's here is probably reading all of the 3 or 4 posts a day and will see this), I'd like to give you two links to check out....might have given you them before .....can't remember....
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Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2009-06-27

I don't get it. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I don't get it.   I don't get it. EmptyJuly 15th 2009, 21:58

I would love one of the decals...I would put it on my vehicle with pride. Email me, and I will get you my address.

As for the posting, it is summertime, and people are away with family and friends and more involved in the day to day of their personal lives. I don't think it means the fire in anyone's belly has died out. I don't know about the rest of you, but I am as angry today as I was when I joined. It is an anger born of frustration and it grows daily as I watch things slipping away from us. I am sick and tired of not being heard by our government. I am sick of having my rights repressed, oppressed or suppressed by our so-called elected representatives. I am speaking out, and this forum and others like it are my soapbox.

Is everyone like me, or you, or any of those who post and read this thing daily (ok, maybe not entirely daily, but I do try!)? No, most don't have the attention span for it. But the ones who do have the need, the belief and the will are out there, and they are slowly gravitating together. Places like this help make that happen.

Don't be discouraged. This isn't the end of our fight. We are only just beginning. Our ranks will swell, as things get worse, more and more will reach out in search of a group of likeminded individuals whom they can rely on for support, encouragement and strength in these difficult times. We are not alone in our beliefs in a free nation. We are not alone in a belief in liberty for all. And we, like our forefathers before us are called in dire times to band together and raise our voices, and if necessary, our arms in defense of liberty, freedom and this fledgling republic which we all hold so dear.

I am already a member of Alarm and Muster...Though I have not yet actually spoken to my POC...I may have to email them. I am going to give GOOOH a look tomorrow evening when I have more time.

By the way, if I can be of assistance in any forthcoming events, let me know...I want my actions to speak as clearly as my words.
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Male Number of posts : 108
Age : 59
Registration date : 2009-04-16

I don't get it. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I don't get it.   I don't get it. EmptyAugust 13th 2009, 15:39

DonnaC wrote:
This is the perfect opportunity for Karen Handel to step up and immediately take this all the way to the Supreme Court (preferably before Sotomayor's confirmation). It would certainly go a long ways towards making her look like a real player in Georgia politics.

she seems to be trying.
Looks like an uphill battle, against the lobbies.
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Male Number of posts : 108
Age : 59
Registration date : 2009-04-16

I don't get it. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I don't get it.   I don't get it. EmptyAugust 21st 2009, 14:35

Quote :
``The criminal conduct alleged in these indictments did not take place solely in Mexico. Rather, it played right out here in our own backyards,'' Attorney General Eric Holder said.

how about front yards!!?

where's he been?
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Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2009-06-27

I don't get it. Empty
PostSubject: Re: I don't get it.   I don't get it. EmptyAugust 21st 2009, 18:26

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I don't get it.
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