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 Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! )

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Male Number of posts : 73
Registration date : 2009-02-28

Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) Empty
PostSubject: Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! )   Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) EmptyMarch 27th 2009, 23:17

I don't know if this is the right place to post this or not, but it's here.

Tomorrow night, 8:30-9:30, the enviro-leftists are asking everybody on the planet to turn off all their lights to save the earth. The UN, the Eiffel Tower, and other landmarks have joined them. (As an aside, the UN first said that it would save them $81,000, then they revised it to $24,000, and now they've admitted that it will save about $102. Kind of funny, if you ask me.) Back to my point. The evidence is fairly incontrovertible that the most of the environmental movement is anti-freedom and socialist and anti-capitalist. So, in defiance of the leftist viewpoint (and mostly to have a chance to make an impression on my kids), I have chosen tomorrow night as my own personal, "Lights on for Liberty" demonstration. Normally, I go around the house behind my kids and turn off the lights they've left on. But tomorrow night, my house is going to look like a helicopter landing pad, like the Trayce Adkins song, "Every Light in the House is On." For one hour, I'll have this place blazing. And I'll explain to my kids, in ways they can understand, how the environmentalists want to take away our freedoms. And it will probably cost me about $2.00 in electricity. Worth every penny, if you ask me.

So feel free to join me, or to call me crazy, or both. I don't care. I just thought you'd like to know what's going on in my little corner of The Planet that we call Mother Earth (dripping with sarcasm, of course.)
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Male Number of posts : 314
Age : 54
Registration date : 2009-02-28

Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! )   Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) EmptyMarch 28th 2009, 10:51

This is an AWESOME idea. Plus, by running up your power bill that extra $2 we are helping the economy. Wink Razz

I'm down with that. As a matter of fact, when I first saw an ad on TV for the idea, I told my wife the same thing - that we should turn on every dadgum light we have! Smile

PS - is the time right on here? Says you posted that at 3:17? You up feeding that kid or whut? LOL

You know, this wouldn't be a bad idea to do seperately.......a Lights on for Liberty event on a Saturday night in the summer where people turn on their lights for an hour from midnight to 1:ooAM so the whole country could get in on it at the same time.I think it would be dark in CA by then? Maybe have to do it in the fall, after the time change? A show to our esteemed and ever-popular government of the number of Americans out here in flyover land ( and big city's too for that matter) that are opposed to what they are doing.

Did you see the news the other day that in the UK they are going to use drones with heat reading devices to find houes wasting energy? By whose definition is energy wasted?

It's like the water "crisis" pay for the water, but you can only use so much. because, as you know...we're in a drought. Smile LOL ( As I look out the window and watch day 4 of the flood.)
Now, I know it's been dry for years...and maybe all these restrictions on outdoor water use have helped us to still have water now. But I'm waiting with baited breath to see if they are going to be lifted once we have enough water again. ( we're getting closer by the minute here, folks with the rains this spring)

Anyway, I think the LOFL event would be awesome as a nationwide that everyone could see who their conservative neighbors were, etc. and the whole country could see how big the opposition really is.

We could call it " Wilbur's Lights on for Liberty Event" if you like. alien
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Liberty Leaders
Liberty Leaders

Female Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2009-03-19

Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) Empty
PostSubject: yipes...don't give me the boot here   Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) EmptyMarch 28th 2009, 18:10

Isn't it possible to be free and environmentally friendly at the same time? Or at least have a healthy balance that still allows for freedom and liberty? Don't get me wrong, I totally agree with the previous posts, and I value freedom and liberty more than I value crazy environmentalist regulations and laws...However I got a bit of an environmentalist inside me that is always trying to get out. I went recently to the Flat Creek Wastewater plant to a "rain barrel" workshop and got me a nifty rain barrel with a spout to attach my water hose and it works just like a dream and filled up in 3 hours with it just drizzling outside. I try to recycle every chance I can. I've just planted my organic garden... My biggest "GREEN" dream though is being held up by the state building codes . (Imagine that!) I want to build a house out of cob (google this!) It's beautiful, environmentally friendly, dirt cheap, and proven itself over time. (there are buildings built out of this in England that are over 900 years old!) So my biggest green dream they don't like. I suspect its because they dont stand to make any money off me. It would be largely owner built and paid for the minute we finish construction. "they" don't like that. Why do they have the right to tell me what I can and cannot build on my own land???
rambling again i'm done don't kick me off eh?
that said...i'm willing to do the lights for liberty Surprised)
hugs~ kelly
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Male Number of posts : 314
Age : 54
Registration date : 2009-02-28

Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! )   Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) EmptyMarch 28th 2009, 18:34

No one's going to kick you off. Smile LOL

The truth is, conservatives want clean air, and clean water as much as anyone does....but there is so much deception in the green movement, and so much of it is based in earth-worship that practical solutions to real problems aren't tackled. Instead, you get admonishments to recycle everything( though it may cost more money), vote for ethanol( though it does cost more money) and do silly things like turn the lights out for an hour.

There's room here for differing opinions....we're not the government. Wink HA. Smile
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Male Number of posts : 148
Age : 71
Registration date : 2009-04-10

Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! )   Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) EmptyApril 13th 2009, 15:02

maysunsmiracle wrote:
Isn't it possible to be free and environmentally friendly at the same time?hugs~ kelly

Hi Kelly,
I am much like yourself in that I am a nature-lover. I would never call myself an environmentalist for obvious reasons. But let me put the entire affair in perspective.
Every large city on the planet was 1000's of time more polluted than today. London was a squalid sewer where disease was more common then rare. Pittsburgh air was nearly un-breathable from the steel mills. If you want to see what American cities looked like then, go visit Mexico City or Calcutta now.

So why have our cities gotten so much cleaner? Was it the environmentalists? Not hardly. They did not come on the world scene until the late 60's. That was 30 or 40 years after significant improvements that continue to improves until today. What resulted in the Great Clean up was capitalism. Capitalism rewards efficiency. Pollution is the by-product of waste.

Capitalism asks that we get the greatest return for the least resource and least effort. A microwave over is more efficient than a wood cook-stove. Which do you think operates cleaner? Do you think that the R&D scientists in the 60’s were thinking, “may we should make a microwave over so that it pollutes the air less”? Of course not. They are trying to make an over that simple worked better, more efficient than previous ones. The computer you are using may be a lap-top running the recently made Centrino Duo Core chip. If so, yo are commanding more computing power than was used in the entire Apollo space program! You could not fit an Eniac computer in your house yet it had less computing power than your cell phone. Speaking of cell phones, imagine the reduction in copper lines that will happen over the years as wired phones go the way of the telephone dial (remember that round thing with holes in it to place you index finger?)!

Affluent people always respect nature more than desperate people. When you are living hand-to-mouth, you are not concerned with environment. You are concerned with survival. The best hope for the planet is for the standard of living to improve world-wide and nothing has do that better than property rights and individual liberties. That spells capitalism. In you reply, give me your definition of capitalism. I think it will explain a lot.

What I am trying to emphasize is that innovation and advance naturally result in a cleaner world. Not political mandates. Most often, the environmentalists thwart progress with their hatred of technology and advancement and therefore stymie us from going forward to a cleaner world. But let me tell you a little secret. Come close so no one else hears. Environmentalism is not about a cleaner world. It is about socialism. See, socialists always need a crises. And the best crises are those that cannot be contained to any form of border. Pollution is a great one since is goes beyond property lines. And since it goes beyond property lines they claim that only the government can fix it.

Global warming (now climate change since the poor globe just refuses to cooperate) is another and where environmentalism is generally constrained to a country, this baby transcends borders. If your goal is world socialism/communism what could be better. Even the women’s rights movement was not about the rights of women. It was about the dissolution for the family. I have always supported that women should be paid the same as a man for the same work. But NOW continued to back Clinton even after it was discovered that he was a misogynist beyond compare.

Kelly, don’t get hijacked into a couple of run of the mill causes. First of all - be suspicious of motives.
Also, remember that you, I am the rest of mankind are part of nature and play in the same sandbox.
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Male Number of posts : 148
Age : 71
Registration date : 2009-04-10

Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! )   Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) EmptyApril 13th 2009, 15:17

Check out --

Penn Jillet on recycling
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Liberty Leaders
Liberty Leaders

Female Number of posts : 39
Registration date : 2009-03-19

Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! )   Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) EmptyApril 13th 2009, 16:18

I agree with what you've said. Cool perspective...I keep my eyes open as much as I can and strive for balance in my own life and seek for the truth behind the "causes." I was told once not to bother recycling because it all got thrown into the same bin at the end in Hall CO. The Landfill. Never found out if this was true or not, but I also don't know where exactly this plant is that they take all our recycling to?? (anyone else know?)...I'm not super involved in any environmental causes other than living my own life as wasteless and simple as possible, trying to teach my children not to be so materialistic . Americans have admittedly become overly wasteful of our precious resources. But like I said before, I value personal freedom and liberty More than I do the environment. I think we should all strive to make better uses of our resources, on our own. It's not the govt's job to force us to. Welcome to the group and looking forward to meeting you ~and everyone~ at the party~ Surprised)
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Male Number of posts : 314
Age : 54
Registration date : 2009-02-28

Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! )   Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) EmptyApril 14th 2009, 08:41

maya, I totally agree and admire you for what you're doing.
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Defender of Liberty
Defender of Liberty

Female Number of posts : 66
Age : 79
Registration date : 2009-04-12

Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) Empty
PostSubject: Another Name for "Thrift!"   Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) EmptyApril 14th 2009, 19:39

What really blows me away about the environmental movement is how they've highjacked what we used to call "thrift!"

I'm older than dirt, having been born just before the end of WWII, but my mother, who lived through the depression, saved EVERYTHING! Consequently, I grew up cleaning my plate because children were starving in Poland. We recycled bread bags to wrap our sandwiches in for school lunches, saved every paper grocery sack (boy, are they ambivalent about that--paper (renewable) bad, plastic (once good, now bad!!), and my mother never threw away a jar or rubber band. So many folks, in recent generations, have really never known "want," but they've manufactured a crises to which they can apply their great solution; and we're supposed to act as though their "solution" is something no one else ever thought of...

Frankly, I'm feeling the urge to rebel every time I'm pressed to buy something "green." Every magazine, retail business, even banks, have got the green thing going; and they act so virtuous. I got an offer for a free roll of aluminum foil made from "recyled" aluminum, and I just trashed it. Is anyone feeling a backlash coming on?

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Male Number of posts : 314
Age : 54
Registration date : 2009-02-28

Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! )   Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) EmptyApril 16th 2009, 19:33

DonnaC, ask my wife - at times I get so worked up after sitting through 2 or 3 "green" commercials, that I think my head will explode!

I think for most companies, seeming to believe in the "green" movement is a way for them to get more green in the form of money. They actually think everyone out there is buying into the nonsense. Now, we sometimes wash out ziploc bags and reuse them, and we reuse plastic bags several times, for whatever. . . and we sometimes put our plastic trash into the recycle bins at the government enforced trash disposal area. But, if I don't want to cut my lights off at 9pm to save the planet, that should be MY BUSINESS. After all, I AM PAYING FOR IT.

And all the talk about how great electric stuff is...and how great battery power is, and how awesome it will be to hook up your electric car at home and not burn fossil fuel! HORRAY!

Now, if we can just get the POWER PLANTS that have to burn COAL to use WATER, that will actually make some sense. pfffft.

I am with you. . . and as much as I really do admire what mayasun and people like her are doing, and I think it can't hurt - I am about as fed up with the green movement as I am with this Congress and President.

*sigh. i think i need to go chill and work on getting some pics up tonight.
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Male Number of posts : 314
Age : 54
Registration date : 2009-02-28

Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! )   Lights on for Liberty ( Now An Official EVENT! ) EmptyApril 16th 2009, 19:34

Holy moley, I just realized that SpringerRider is the spittin' image of Charlton Heston! lol!
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